Customised Outfitting your Mirage Sea Kayaks
Mirage Sea Kayaks have had nearly 30 years of kayak building experience. We have evolved over this time to stay with the changing trends of paddlers needs and believe we have a solid outfitting of standard features.
If you then combine these features with the many additional options that are available, a Mirage Sea Kayak can see you through every level of your paddling life.

Knee / Thigh Brace
The Mirage range of kayaks have keyhole style cockpits allowing leg entry whilst the paddler is seated, without being unnecessarily big. Coamings are deeply recessed to assist with waterproofing around the spray deck.
We also offer the option of having knee / thigh braces installed to assist in additional control with your drive, lateral movements and rolling.
The cockpit rim and knee / thigh braces are also available in 100% Clear Coat Carbon - too save you a little bit of weight.

Carry Toggles
The Mirage hand-made carry toggles have been an option for over 25 years and create an convenient lifting point that is very strong. If you are a paddler that feels at home in rough water, then you should get a surf toggle; meaning the nylon cord is stitched and wrapped, so you can't get a finger caught inside of the loop.

Rudder System
Your rudder is such an important feature to the Mirage kayak we have dedicated a page to your different rudder options - CLICK HERE

Contoured, supportive, ergonomic seat - available in X-small or Standard.
Another advantage of a locally made kayak is the opportunity to have the correct seat size fitted. It is important for a paddler to be “connected” to the kayak and one of the key areas is in a correct fitting seat. Mirage offers a choice of two seat sizes, which fit across the entire Mirage kayak range, to ensure maximum comfort for the paddler at all times.
We now can supply the SilverStorm Foam seat, saving you even more weight. - Click here to visit our special SEAT section

Electric Bilge Pump inc waterproof box

Mirage Kayaks can be ordered with a factory fitted electric bilge pump including a waterproof box for the battery. The pump is located behind the seat with the sealed battery mounted separately in the day hatch. A waterproof switch is positioned in a recess beside the paddler’s hip, protected by a stainless steel bridge.
Most Mirage owners only need to put their battery on charge every three months as it will empty the full cockpit area of water at least 13 times over. The electric bilge pump will allow a paddler to empty a full cockpit of water in a very short period of time rated at 1890 Litres per hour (10 litres takes approximately 20 seconds) (a Double pump comes with a bigger battery)
– A well maintained pump is an important safety feature.
You can order the full kit, pump only, replacement batteries and even a recharger.

Small Dry Storage
You can get an 'Under Deck Glove Box' factory / self installed to keep your valuables safe and secured, it comes with a Kajak Sport 100mm hatch cover.
The Mirage glove box fits perfectly in all Mirage sea kayaks. It is also very easy to install yourself (adhesion with Sikaflex-291 white)
The 583 day hatch is mounted just behind the seating area and can be placed either on the right or left hand side. This day hatch will keep your valuables safe and secured, it comes with a Kajak Sport 100mm hatch cover. This hatch has been designed to fit the 583 Freeride, 583 Adventure and 583 Custom Fish.

M I R A G E LD Plate
Carbon Reinforced
LD equals Leg Drive and this is a crucial component for paddle performance and power input per stroke. The LD plate allows for maximum foot support, for full leg drive.
The carbon reinforcement on the plate and pedals make the entire unit very stiff and therefore allows for direct transmission of the power from your legs into paddle stroke energy.
The plate extends to the hull of your kayak - All of our LD PLATES are Carbon stiffened and well tested to gives your paddle stroke a boost with each leg drive.
The Mirage LD Plate comes rigged up with the forward cables and hardware so you can quickly connect to your pedal flanges and rudder cable.
The standard LD Plate has an ALL WHITE front however it is Carbon reinforced. You can also buy an LD Plate with a CARBON CLEAR Front - same stiffness as the other plates, however looks so very nice!

M I R A G E Rear Shock-Cord
If you are looking for some additional deck storage space or if you need an area for your paddle in case you need to use a paddle float.
We can install a rear deck shock-cord configuration in 6mm with reinforced fairleads.

M I R A G E Bow Deck Shock-Cord
If you are looking for some additional deck storage space or if you need an area for your paddle in case you need to use a deck bag
We can install a bow deck deck shock-cord configuration in 6mm with reinforced fairleads.

M I R A G E Laminated & Hull Fixation Points
For paddlers that like to load up their kayaks on an expedition. These laminated Nylon D loops form a very secure fixation configuration.

M I R A G E Webbing Tow Points
Secure and strong webbing tow points - you can have these installed on one or both sides. These connect at your hip level for smooth towing.

RITCHIE Kayak Compass
This Kayak Compass is a deck mounted compass - fits dimensions of 10.8cm diameter - perfect for the Mirage Kayaks compass recess on the foredeck!