Spare Parts & Mirage Sea Kayaks Gear for Sale
Mirage Sea Kayaks Spare Parts and Gear
Purchase your Mirage Sea Kayaks Spare Parts directly through our Online Store - www.expeditionproven.com.au
If no link is listed or a spare part is not listed then please phone to purchase - Call 02 4324 1922

Kayak Hatch Covers

Replacement 20cm hatches (Front or Day); you can purchase a round rubber hatch online (this round hatch is compatible with Valley and Pittarak) Australian Made
If you need an additional PLASTIC RIM for this round rubber hatch as a replacement or to install on a new kayak -

Kajak Sport Hatches:
Kajak Sport hatches and rims (24cm). Buy here.
Kajak Sport hatches and rims (20cm). Buy here.
Kajak Sport hatches and rims (10cm). Buy here.
Kajak Sport hatches and rims (rear - oval). Buy here.
Kajak Sport round or oval rubber hatches compatible with Valley, Pittarak and the older style Mirage rubber hatches (Front, Day or Rear Oval Hatches) - Lightweight.
Rear OVAL Rubber hatch (41cm x 22cm) Buy Here.

Purchase a replacement Fibreglass (Mirage Colours) stern oval hatch online - CLICK HERE
Purchase a replacement 100% Carbon Fibre (Clear Coat) stern oval hatch online - CLICK HERE
Neoprene Cover (seal) for Rear Hatch - CLICK HERE

Mirage Pedal Sets

Mirage Pedal Sets:
Purchase a Mirage Sea Kayaks TBar and Pedal Set - Click Here
NOTE: The Mirage TBar and Pedal set can now be custom installed into NON-Mirage Composite Sea Kayaks - call us for more details.
New set of Pedal Hinges - call Mirage.

Mirage Pedal Sets:
Mirage LD PLATE / Carbon Reinforced - Click Here
CLEAR-COAT Carbon LD Plate - Click Here

Mirage Seating

Mirage Seating:
If you would like to purchase additional 15mm adhesive thermo formed foam kayak seat please - Click Here.
Mirage Fibreglass seat - Standard - CLICK HERE
Mirage Fibreglass seat - Small - CLICK HERE
Mirage Carbon Fibre seat - Standard - CLICK HERE
Floating Back-Band Back Rest - Click Here
Comfort Combo - 15mm Foam &Floating Back-Band Back Rest

Mirage Fixturing

You can purchase any missing / lost fixturing for your Mirage or
if you are making your own kit kayak, then you can purchase some outfitting parts:
Bungee / Shock Cord (6mm)
Deck Line (6mm)
Mirage Decal Sets
Stainless Steel Cable, swages & D Shackles
Rudder Hinges & Rudder Pins
Carry Toggles
Bilge Pump Sets
Bilge Pump Replacement Batteries
Bilge Pump Battery Recharger
Waterproof Switch and wiring

Mirage Neoprene COCKPIT Cover

Australian made Neoprene Cockpit Covers / Petrol Saver
Perfect for keeping critters from making a home in your kayak.
Perfect for saving you some petrol on a long journey.
All Australian made using a high grade of neoprene with tucked in edges for a very good seal.
Glued and stitched seams for additional strength and durability.
- CLICK HERE to order
Note: The colours are generally always different as these are made with a small Australian manufacturer.

Mirage Protective Kayak Sock - Singles or Doubles

Mirage Sea Kayaks - Protective Sock / 5.3m, 5.8m, 6m, 7.3m
Singles or Doubles
A Mirage stretch cover made from Nylon and Acrylic to suit your Kayak. Available in a number of plain or striped colours. Padded nose protection and draw-string tail. Ideal for protecting from small scratches and dirt.
The material and sock are 100% Australian made
5.3m - CLICK HERE to order
5.8m - CLICK HERE to order
6m - CLICK HERE to order
7.3m - CLICK HERE to order

Mirage Protective Paddle Sock or Paddle Travel Case

Mirage Sea Kayaks / Mako Paddles Branded
Protective Travel Socks and Cases for 2 piece paddles
These are are 100% Australian made
Sock - CLICK HERE to order
Travel Case - CLICK HERE to order

Mirage Spare Paddle Deck Bag

Mirage Sea Kayaks
Spare paddle deck-bag
for 2 piece paddles
These are are 100% Australian made